Atlantic Tropical Storms
The number of recent Atlantic Tropical Storms and Major Hurricanes have only increased slightly,and they have not been more severe than the Tropical Storms and Major Hurricanes of the Past.Climate change is not the cause of the Deaths, Injuries and Property Damage from the past few years.
There have been more Deaths, Injuries and Property Damage from Hurricanes in recent years, but that is because Humans insist on doing Stupid things. Building High rise structures on the beach where Hurricanes make Landfall on a regular basis is quite foolish. Having Homes and Businesses on these Beaches is a Disaster waiting to happen.
The number of Hurricanes in the Atlantic has been highly Variable since records have been kept. The variability in Hurricane Strength might be slightly greater now than it has been in the past, but the average number is similar. Attributing this to Climate Change does not really answer the question of what is happening and why. It could be a Temporary Phenomenon rather than a long term Phenomenon.
The Historical Records of Hurricanes in the Atlantic are probably incomplete and do not reflect the Strength of the Hurricanes relative to the measurement of the Strength of the Hurricanes as measured in the past 40-50 years.
Atlantic Hurricanes
Tropical Storms and Hurricanes, sometimes Major Hurricanes, strike the Southeastern United States and the Gulf of Mexico on a regular basis. It is not a matter of IF a Hurricane or Major Hurricane is going to Strike, it is only a question of WHEN!
Atlantic Major Hurricanes
The 1950's and 1960's had almost as many Major Hurricanes as the 2000's. The 1930's had many Major Hurricanes. Claiming that Man-Made, Human Caused, Amthropogenic Climate Change is responsible when there is an unusual series of Weather Events, is not very Scientific, and only Confuses the Real Issue. There have been many periods in the past, recent and distant, where there were similar changes in the Weather Patterns. Some are still occurring, and some were temporary changes in the Weather Patterns.