Sunday, December 30, 2018

California's Wildfires Are Not Any More Severe Than They Were 85 Years Ago

The number of Wildfires per year in California has decreased over the past 30 years by almost 50%.

The total number of Acres Burned in California have increased and decreased over the Decades with a range of less 50,000 Acres to 1,600,000 Acres. The increases and decreases follow the Pattern of Rainfall. Increased Rainfall promotes the growth of Grasses and Shrubs at ground level. Subsequent years that produce less rainfall, or create Drought conditions, cause the New Growth to die, and the dead plant material is Fuel for next Wildfire. If the dead plants do not burn the year that they die, they will build up over subsequent years of little rainfall, and extreme rainfall, until an Ignition source is provided. The ignition source could be natural, lightning, or it could be accidental, campfire, etc., or it could be Arson. The Source of Ignition is not important. The extremely combustible material WILL ignite eventually. The only questions are, when will it ignite and how many acres will burn?

California Wildfires Per Year

The number of California Wildfires has Decreased from a high of 13,476 in 1987, to 9,133 in 2017. The years from 2002-2016 had the fewest number of Fires per year over the past 30 years. The number of Wildfires was less than 9,000 per year for each of those years.

The Total Number Of Wildfires In California Per Year

Years with Rainfall well above average, are followed by years with more Acres burned.

The increased Growth created by the very high rainfall creates more Fuel in the following years when the rainfall decreases back to the Yearly Average or below. High Rainfall years are quite often followed by extremely Low Rainfall years, leading to the Drying of much of the New Growth.

California Wildfire Acres Burned Per Year

The Total Number Of Acres Burned In California Per Year

The greatest number of California Wildfire Acres Burned were in the years 2007 and 2008. These were the years following the Record or near Record Rainfall throughout California in the winter of 2004-2005. The Extremely High Rainfall created significant amounts of new growth. The growth did not dry out as it usually does after a High Rainfall Year because 2004-2005 was an Extreme Event that saturated the Soil and kept the plants and undergrowth Green for a couple of years. The Rainfall Year 2006-2007 provided less than 5" of Rain, allowing the Soil to Dry and the Plants to Die, creating Very Large Amounts of Fuel for the following year's "Fire Season".

California Wildfire Acres Burned Per Fire

The Pattern of Rainfall, California Wildfire Acres Burned and California Wildfire Acres per Fire follow the same Pattern in the available Data from 1987 through 2018. This indicates that the Wildfires that California has been having are not caused by Climate Change, but are a Natural Phenomenon associated with the Mediterranean Climate that Californian's enjoy. Southern California is a Semi-Arid Region with a year of Heavy Rainfall followed by several years of Very Little Rainfall, and Drought Conditions.

The Average Number Of Acres Burned Per Wildfire In California

Los Angeles Rainfall: 1981-2018

In the Winter of 2004-2005, most of California received Record, or Near Record, Rainfall. The following year, 2005-2006, the rainfall was only slightly below Average. This kept the Brush and "UnderGrowth" from drying out, and providing extremely Combustible Fuel.

The winter of 2006-2007, was a Record, or Near Record, low rainfall. Los Angeles rainfall was only 3.21" that year.

Los Angeles Yearly Rainfall Data From 1981-2018

2004 was a year with the number of California Acres Burned well below average. 2005 was another year with the number of California Acres Burned well below average.

2006, the year after the Record, or Near Record, rainfall, the number of California Acres Burned more than Tripled.

The following two years, 2007 and 2008, the number of California Acres burned were more than FIVE TIMES the number of Acres Burned in the previous 2-3 years.

In the Late 1970's, early 1980's, the California Local and State Firefighting Agencies, and the Federal Firefighting Agencies, implemented Improved Fire Suppression Techniques. These Improved Fire Supression Techniques extinguished the Wildfires much more quickly, with far fewer Acres Burned.

This caused future problems by allowing the Undergrowth to accumulate for 15-20 years rather than the Brush in the Forests burning every 5-10 years.

This extremely high level of Combustible Materials resulted in Larger, Longer Burning Wildfires in some areas. These Larger Wildfires are not necessarily a result of Climate Change, but a result of Poor Forest Management.

Friday, December 28, 2018

Racist Black Irvine CA Woman Sues Over Non-Discriminatory Question

A Black, Irvine, California Woman, Deirdre Harris, was asked if she wanted to use her EBT/Food Stamp Card to pay for her Groceries at Albertsons. She went Ballistic claiming that the question was Racist, and contacted a Lawyer to sue for Civil Rights Violations under the Unruh Civil Rights Act. The Unruh Civil Rights Act requires Discrimination or Denial of Service based on Race, Sex, National Origin, etc. What was Discriminatory about the question?   
The woman was not denied service of any kind, she was only asked about a Method of Payment. If the Albertsons employee asks if you have any coupons, or if the Cashier at a Walmart asks you if that is a Debit Card, are you going to claim Discrimination because only Poor Black people use coupons, have Debit Cards, or don’t Qualify for Credit Cards?
What color was her Debit Card? Was it the same color as an EBT/Food Stamp Card? Does she have an EBT/Food Stamp Card? The Albertsons that she was shopping at is in the 92606 Zip Code. That Zip Code has a 9.66% Poverty Rate, and there are 159 people in that Zip Code on Food Stamps, not all of them Black.
Apparently, Deirdre Harris thinks that only Black people have EBT/Food Stamp cards. That’s Racist. She also makes the claim that Irvine is only 1% Black and that is the problem. Zip Code 92606 is 1.9% Black. What would a low percentage of Black people have to do with her allegations of Discrimination? The Albertsons store checker probably asks many of his or her customers about using an EBT/Food Stamps Card.
She claims that she has lived in Irvine for 22 years, but a search of her name shows something very different. She has lived in Irvine for a total of about 9 years. The Albertsons store is in a ZIP Code with a Poverty Level of 9.66%. The Albertsons store clerk probably asks many of his or her customers about using an EBT/Food Stamps Card.
                                    Years in           Residents Below         Receiving
Zip Code                     Zip Code         Poverty Level              Food Stamps               % Black
92606  Irvine                   <1                       9.66%                       159                          1.9%               
92618  Irvine                     1                       8.23%                       127                          1.9%
92612  Irvine                     7                       18.31%                     167                          2%
92683  Westminster          9                       17.8%                       2998                        .78%
92704  Santa Ana             5                       19.1%                       3513                        1%
She’s Paranoid and Greedy. If a Non Black person asks you a question, you are going to find a way to “twist”, misconstrue, or claim that the person meant something that was not even close to what was said at the time, and under the circumstances.
She claims she was only demanding Sensitivity and Diversity Training for all Albertsons  employees. Sensitivity to what, not asking Black people if they want Promotional Items or Special Offers?
Obama’s Legacy of Racism lives on. Any “Perceived” slight is going to be Labeled Racist and/or Discriminatory, and you will Demand Apologies, Compensation and Termination of the Employee that did not do or say anything different to you than he or she says to every other customer.
Her lawyer, Chris Mears, is a Former Irvine City Council Member. Is he looking to run for elected office again, and wants to get his name out there in front of the Public to be perceived as a champion of Civil Rights?
The United States 2010 Census lists Irvine as 45.7% White, 38.3% Asian, 9.8% Hispanic, 1.7% Black, and 4.6% Other Races/Ethnic Groups.
The Alleged Incident occurred on January 27, 2017, but she didn’t file the Lawsuit until April 10, 2017. A three and a half month delay.

Trayvon Martin Was NOT A Victim

February 26, 2012, Trayvon Martin, 6’0”, 160#, was on the phone with his friend when he made a statement that a “creepy ass Cracker” was following him. Cracker is a Racist Southern term for Whites. He also referred to George Zimmerman as a Nigga.

Seconds later, while still on the phone, Trayvon Martin began his vicious assault on George Zimmerman. He punched George Zimmerman in the face, breaking his nose, and knocked George Zimmerman down. Trayvon Martin got on top of George Zimmerman and was slamming his head against the concrete, inflicting more great bodily injury upon George Zimmerman.

What was George Zimmerman supposed to do, ask Trayvon Martin to please stop his vicious assault because it was extremely painful? George Zimmerman had a firearm and used it to stop the assault and probably saved his life. Self-Defense is not a crime when your life is in danger.
There was a lot of complaining in the Media that it took 44 days for the Prosecutor to file charges. No, the local Prosecutor knew they did not have a case. It was self-defense.

The Racist Media got involved, and in turn, your Racist former President and his Racist Attorney General, Eric Holder, pressured the local Prosecutor into filing charges. Of course George Zimmerman was acquitted, and there was a Media uproar.

The Racist, Biased Media tried to sway public opinion and convict George Zimmerman in the Court of Public Opinion. The Media kept showing a Photograph of Trayvon Martin when he was 12 years old as though it was current, and not mentioning the discrepancy.

Why didn’t George Zimmerman file a malicious prosecution lawsuit? The Prosecution knew that they did not have a case, but filed and pursued the charges anyway. It was a clear case of Self-Defense. What led up to the incident is irrelevant. George Zimmerman did not commit any crimes, nor did he do anything to provoke Trayvon Martin to violently assault him, and possibly kill him. George Zimmerman was keeping an eye on someone he did not know, who was going through the neighborhood that he patrolled as part of the Neighborhood Watch Program.

The Federal Government filed a Civil Rights Violation Case against George Zimmerman, which of course, they lost. The only person who violated someone’s Civil Rights that day was Trayvon Martin.

Friday, November 2, 2018

The Counter Protestors Are The KKK's Best Recruiters

The Klu Klux Klan has been having Rallies in various cities, and there have been violent Counter Protestors showing up and Attacking, Assaulting, and causing Great Bodily Injuries, Beatings throwing Rocks, Stabbings, to the Klu Klux Klan Members.         

About 30 Klu Klux Klan mambers had a rally in Sacramento, California on June 26, 2016, and about 400 Counter Protestors showed up with the apparent intent to Violently disrupt the rally and cause a Riot. Several Counter Protestors attacked with 2x4’s.

The Klu Klux Klan obtained the necessary Permits from the City to hold their Rally. 
The Media, and, of course, countless people recording cell phone video, was present in relatively large numbers to report on the rally, and end up reporting on the riot that ensued.

This is just the type of free publicity that the Klu Klux Klan wants in their efforts to recruit new members. They can attract people by claiming that they were there for a peaceful rally and were attacked by people for no reason.

They can claim that they have the Right to Freedom of Speech and Assembly, but the Counter Protestors were denying them their Rights, and of course they would be Right.

This may seem a little strange, unusual or perhaps bizarre, but if you ignore them when they have these rallies, they will not get the Media attention that they have been getting.

They also will not get the “Sympathy Vote” from people that may not have considered joining or supporting them. The Counter Protestors actions are actually Counter Productive.

You want to get them out of the Public Eye. Without all of this free publicity, they are just another Small-Time Racist Hate Group that cannot get what they want without your Cooperation.


The National media picks up these stories and the Klu Klux Klan now has Free Advertising in their Recruitment efforts. Obviously, keep track of them, and what they are doing, but Violent Interference just Promotes their cause, and increases their Racist Membership.