Friday, November 2, 2018

The Counter Protestors Are The KKK's Best Recruiters

The Klu Klux Klan has been having Rallies in various cities, and there have been violent Counter Protestors showing up and Attacking, Assaulting, and causing Great Bodily Injuries, Beatings throwing Rocks, Stabbings, to the Klu Klux Klan Members.         

About 30 Klu Klux Klan mambers had a rally in Sacramento, California on June 26, 2016, and about 400 Counter Protestors showed up with the apparent intent to Violently disrupt the rally and cause a Riot. Several Counter Protestors attacked with 2x4’s.

The Klu Klux Klan obtained the necessary Permits from the City to hold their Rally. 
The Media, and, of course, countless people recording cell phone video, was present in relatively large numbers to report on the rally, and end up reporting on the riot that ensued.

This is just the type of free publicity that the Klu Klux Klan wants in their efforts to recruit new members. They can attract people by claiming that they were there for a peaceful rally and were attacked by people for no reason.

They can claim that they have the Right to Freedom of Speech and Assembly, but the Counter Protestors were denying them their Rights, and of course they would be Right.

This may seem a little strange, unusual or perhaps bizarre, but if you ignore them when they have these rallies, they will not get the Media attention that they have been getting.

They also will not get the “Sympathy Vote” from people that may not have considered joining or supporting them. The Counter Protestors actions are actually Counter Productive.

You want to get them out of the Public Eye. Without all of this free publicity, they are just another Small-Time Racist Hate Group that cannot get what they want without your Cooperation.


The National media picks up these stories and the Klu Klux Klan now has Free Advertising in their Recruitment efforts. Obviously, keep track of them, and what they are doing, but Violent Interference just Promotes their cause, and increases their Racist Membership.